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4-H Clover Safe Notes

Clover Safe binder cover and table of contents

#1 Safe Care and Handling of Rabbits Rabbits Activity
#2 Sewing Machine Safety Sewing Activity
#3 Working Safely With Cattle Cattle Activity
#4 Power Saw Safety Power Saw Activity
#5 ATV Safety ATV Activity
#6 Working Safely With Horses Horse Work Activity
#7 Safe Horseback Riding Practices Horse Riding Activity
#8 Safe Care and Handling of Turkeys Turkeys Activity
#9 Safe Care and Handling of Dogs Dogs Activity
#10 Firearm Cleaning Safety Firearm Activity
#11 Safe Repair and Maintenance of Small Engines Small Engine Activity
#12 Portable Power Drill Safety Power Drill Activity
#13 Emergency Preparation and Response Guideline None
#14 Preventing 4-H Member Injuries and Illnesses None
#15 Holding and Attending 4-H Meetings in Private Residences None
#16 Safe Animal Contact at Petting Zoos and Fairs Animal Contact Activity
#17 Organizing and Operating a Safe Petting Zoo Event None
#18 Leathercraft Safety Leathercraft Activity
#19 Heat Illness Awareness Heat Illness Activity
#20 General Knife Safety Knife Activity
#21 Hiking Safety Hiking Activity
#22 Safe Care and Handling of Swine Swine Activity
#23 Skateboarding Safety Skateboarding Activity
#24 Wind and Water Surfing Safety Surfing Activity
#25 Biting and Stinging Insects Insects Activity
#26 Toxic Plants Toxic Plants Activity
#27 Tidal Pool Exploration Safety Tidal Pool Activity
#28 Meeting Space Safety Checklists None
#29 Field Trip Safety None
#30 Hand Saw Safety Hand Saw Activty
#31 Gardening Safety: Hand Tools Garden Tools Activity
#32 Safe Care and Handling of Sheep Sheep Activity
#33 Sheep Shearing Safety Sheep Shear Activity
#34 Snowboarding Safety Snowboarding Activity
#35 Thunderstorm Safety Thunderstorm Activity
#36 General Kitchen Safety Kitchen Activity
#37 Food Processor Safety Food Processor Activity
#38 Microwave Oven Safety Microwave Activity
#39 Safe Scissor Use Scissor Activity
#40 Computer Ergonomics Awareness Computer Activity
#41 California Bicycling Requirements None
#42 Bicycling Safety Bicycling Safety Activity
#43 Float Preparation and Parade Safety Float and Parade Activity
#44 Riding Safely on Towed Trailers Trailer Rider Activity
#45 Safe Driving Practices None
#46 Canoeing Safety Canoeing Activity
#47 Archery Safety Archery Activity
#48 Safe Canning Practices Safe Canning Activity
#49 Drill Press Safety Drill Press Activity
#50 Shear and Cutting Point Hazards Shear Point Activity
#51 Poisonous Snakebites Snakebites Activity
#52 Boxing Safety Boxing Activity
#53 Basic Electrical Safety Electrical Activity
#54 Clover Safe Notes as a Training Tool None
#55 Safe Preparation and Handling of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Fruit/Vegetables Activity
#56 Hot Glue-Gun Safety Glue-Gun Activity
#57 Hearing Protection Hearing Activity
#58 Rope and Cargo Net Climbing Safety Rope/Cargo Net Activity
#59 Safely Transporting Medium and Large Animals Transporting Animals Activity
#60 Swimming Safety Swimming Activity
#61 Campfire Safety Campfire Activity
#62 Basic First Aid Awareness None
#63 Plants Poisonous to 4-H Animals Plants Poisonous Activity
#64 General Tractor Safety General Tractor Activity
#65 Safe Care and Handling of Exotic Birds Exotic Birds Activity
#66 Food Safety at 4-H Club Meetings Food Safety Activity
#67 Proper Manure Handling and Disposal Manure Activity
#68 Safe Care and Handling of Chickens Chickens Activity
#69 Reading Pesticide Labels None
#70 Handling and Using Pesticides None
#71 Motorized Dirt Bike Safety Motorized Dirt Bike Activity
#72 Internet Safety Internet Safety Activity
#73 Model Rocketry Safety Model Rocketry Activity
#74 Black Bear Safety Black Bear Safety Activity
#75 Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome Awareness Hantavirus Activity
#76 Camping and Bat Safety Awareness Bat Safety Activity
#77 Safe Clean Up of 4-H Camps None
#78 Safe Water Sampling Practices Safe Water Activity
#79 Night Hiking Safety Night Hiking Activity
#80 Creek Hiking Safety Creek Hiking Activity
#81 Campfire Cooking Safety Campfire Cooking Activity
#82 Safe Fishing Practices Safe Fishing Activity
#83 Computer Social Networking Safety Tips Social Networking Activity
#84 Grass-Shearing Safety Grass-Shearing Activity
#85 Preventing the Spread of Communicable Disease Communicable Diseases Activity
#86 Allergy Awareness Allergy Activity
#87 Basic Gas-Welding Safety Gas-Welding Activity
#88 Basic Arc-Welding Safety Arc-Welding Activity
#89 Soldering Safety Soldering Activity
#90 Using Pliers Safely Pliers Activity
#91 Safe Handling and Use of Chemicals Safe Chemicals Activity
#92 Importance of Washing Your Hands Washing Hands Activity
#93 Safe Use of Power Sanders Sanders Activity
#94 Band Saw Safety Band Saw Activity
#95 Scroll Saw Safety Scroll Saw Activity
#96 Safe Use of Rakes and Shovels Rakes & Shovels Activity
#97 Safe Supervision of 4-H Swimming Activities None
#98 Wood Lathe Safety Wood Lathe Activity