Leslie Roache Accepts Position As UCCE Range Management Specialist!

Jun 10, 2015

UC Davis Rangeland Watershed Lab announced that Dr. Leslie Roche, formerly Lead Scientist at the Lab has accepted the offer from UC Davis Plant Sciences and UCCE as our new statewide Rangeland Management Specialist in Cooperative

Leslie Roche
Extension. She formally joins the UC Davis Faculty September 1. “We had some serious competition to keep her here at UCD, and were lucky to do so,” says Dr. Kenneth Tate, Rangeland Watershed Lab. Her research is published on the Lab's site. Congratulations, Leslie!

Many of you have had the chance to meet Leslie prior to her appointment as she has been leading the California Ranch Stewardship Program. She fills the void left by Mel George who we in UCCE called "Uncle Mel". Perhaps she will become known as Auntie Leslie. Please welcome her in her new career!


By John M Harper
Author - Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor - Emeritus