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2024 UCCE Pear Grower and PCA Virtual Meeting
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Event Name | Date |
Forest Stewardship Workshop - Sonoma County | 1/21/2025 |
2025 Lake County Walnut Update | 3/4/2025 |
Lake County Programs
4-H Youth Development
Reach Jean Goulart, 4-H Community Education Specialist at the Lake County Office (707) 263-6838. 4-H is more than a club - 4-H is young people getting ready for the future. In 4-H, you will work with other people in a 4-H club, in your school,or with another organization. Attend camps, show at fairs, travel, host youth from other countries, attend meetings and events with other young people, and much, much more!
Mendocino-Lake 4-H Summer Camp
The Mendocino-Lake 4-H Summer Camp is a week long camp filled with fun and exciting adventures that are sure to be remembered for years to come. Any 4-H Member who is 9-13 years of age for campers and 14-18 years of age for teen staff. If a member is age 12-13 years they also have the opportunity to attend camp as a Counselor-In-Training. Older members who have already attended camp as a Counselor-In-Training have the opportunity to come to camp as a Counselor, Dean, or Director. For more information contact (707)263-6838.
Diversified Agricultural
Reach Clebson Gonçalves, Diversified Agricultural Advisor for Lake, and Mendocino Counties at the Lake County office (707) 263-6838. The Diversified Agriculture program provides education and outreach to 1) maintain and enhance the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of diversified agriculture; and 2) meet the growing demands and contribute to the success of farms in Lake & Mendocino counties.
Reach Michael Jones, Forestry Advisor for Mendocino, Lake, and Sonoma Counties at the Mendocino County office (707) 463-4495. Forestry addresses complex management concerns with an inclusive approach for landowner input and direction. Assists decision makers in developing progressive programs aimed at the conservation of natural resources. Forest health, entomology, IPM, and sustainability of forest resources.
Fresh Water Ecology
This site is dedicated to the complex and multi-disciplined topics of inland fisheries, exotic species, amphibians, wetlands, and limnology. It is intended to provide quick and simple access to University resources to assist the people of Lake County access to the vast array of resources and information available to better manage freshwater aquatic resources.
Fruits & Nuts
Reach Rachel Elkins, Pomology Farm Advisor-Emeritus at the Lake County Office (707) 263-6838. Major crop responsibilities include European pears, walnuts, olives, apples, and all other tree fruit and nut crops, except wine grapes. Pomology focuses on all aspects of efficiently producing annual fruit and nut crops, including horticulture, pest management, and environmental protection.
Integrated Pest Management
Reach Cindy Kron, North Coast Area IPM Advisor, at the Sonoma County Office (707) 565-2621. Research and links for Integrated Pest Management of apples, pears and winegrapes.
Integrated Vineyard Systems
Reach Christopher Chen, Integrated Vineyard Systems Advisor by calling (707) 463-4495. The variety of winegrapes grown in northern California is astounding and includes more than sixty cultivars each planted to over 500 acres. I am available to help you with your viticulture and plant science questions.
Livestock and Range Management
Reach John Harper, Livestock and Range Management Advisor at the Mendocino County Office (707) 463-4495. The Livestock and Range Management program encompasses water quality issues, natural resource management, and livestock production. Additional information is available here.
Lake County Master Gardeners
Reach Louise Pagone, Master Gardener Coordinator at the Lake County Office calling (707) 263-6838. UC Master Gardeners are trained volunteers who provide advice and support for local non-commercial gardeners. Contact Master Gardeners at celake@ucanr.edu or call (707) 263-6838.
Wildfire Resources
How to deal with wildfires both during and after and also provides links to resources for victims of wildfires.
Living with Drought
Research based information regarding water resources and drought assistance
UC FRUIT & NUT RESEARCH & INFORMATION CENTER - https://fruitsandnuts.ucanr.edu//
UC WEED RESEARCH & INFORMATION CENTER: https://wric.ucdavis.edu/
UC HOPLAND RESEARCH & EXTENSION CENTER - https://hrec.ucanr.edu/
UC CROP COST STUDIES - https://coststudies.ucdavis.edu/en/
UC FOOD SAFETY WEBSITE - http://ucfoodsafety.ucdavis.edu/
UC ANR SAFETY NOTES WEBSITE: https://celake.ucanr.edu/ANR_Safety_Notes/
Wild Pig Survey
Reminder to complete our mailing list and interest survey
Attention Mendocino & Lake Ranchers, Farmers, Forest Land Owners: Attached is a flier about our survey that some of you may have received. It is very important that you take the time to fill out the survey as it helps us help you. It also help...
UCCE Mendocino & Lake Counties Contact Information and Interest Signup Survey
It has been many years since UC Cooperative Extension aka Farm Advisors have done an educational interest survey and updated our client contact database. There have been a lot of changes in our staff and many new farmers and ranchers have...
Opportunity to Support the US Sheep Shearing Team at the Golden Shears World Championships
Support the American Shearing Team Producers looking to support the American team headed to the Golden Shears World Championships next month in Scotland can do so by purchasing a Team USA T-shirt or hoodie offered through American Hero...
Contact Information
Lake County
UC Cooperative Extension
883 Lakeport Boulevard
Lakeport, CA 95453
Phone: (707) 263-6838
Fax: (707) 263-3963
e-mail: celake@ucanr.edu
Matthew Barnes